<Science/> <Technology/> <Engineering/> <Mathematics/> (STEM) Education

OBotz offers an all-in-one robotics program, making it easy for children to learn the fundamentals of machine learning and robotics programming.
In OBotz Robotics programs, children can experience the thrill of hands-on learning, where they get to build and program their own robots. From understanding basic components to exploring advanced functionalities, these 7 programs foster critical thinking, problem-solving, and teamwork.
By enrolling in OBotz, children gain a solid foundation in robotics and coding, enabling them to unleash their full potential and become innovators and leaders of tomorrow's technology-driven world.
Level 1
Applications & Projects
Activities & Challenges
Continuity Tester
Wheel of Fortune
Wire Frame Game (Kids design their own Games)
Automated Street light
Level 2
Robot Designs & Simple machines
Observations & Computationss
Applications & Projects
Activities & Challenges
Industrial Crane - The machine is designed to pick up box from one place and release at the destination
ATM Machine - Kids build a prototype of an ATM machine.
Robo-Soccer - It's time to play with robots. The kids design their robot to compete.
Robo-War - The kids work on ideas to defeat the opponent by using some mechanism which can push the opponent out of the arena.
Level 3
Solar mobile charger
Obstacle avoiding robot
Wall following robot
Level 4
This level is based on VISUAL programming by Using BLOCKS.
Party/Christmas Lights
Clap based Fan
Traffic Light Controller
Human Counter (COVID-19 Project)
Smart Parking Systems
Level 5
Distance Calculator using Ultrasonic Sensor (Used in Construction)
LCD display (Scrolling) (Used in Retail Industry)
Mobile controlled Robot (Used in Industrial Automation)
Gesture controlled Application (Used in phones to flip the screen)
Design a game – Maze solver (Used in Packing Industry)
Level 6
Trobotic arm control using Joystick
Electronic password locker
Thermostat Controller
Calculator Program
Level 7
2-legged Robot (Humanoids)
Exercise robot
Dance movements
4-legged Robot (Imitate a dog)