<Science/> <Technology/> <Engineering/> <Mathematics/>
(STEM) Education

This level is based on VISUAL programming by Using BLOCKS.
Party/Christmas Lights
Clap based Fan
Traffic Light Controller
Human Counter (COVID-19 Project)
Smart Parking Systems
Distance Calculator using Ultrasonic Sensor (Used in Construction)
LCD display (Scrolling) (Used in Retail Industry)
Mobile controlled Robot (Used in Industrial Automation)
Gesture controlled Application (Used in phones to flip the screen)
Design a game – Maze solver (Used in Packing Industry)
Trobotic arm control using Joystick
Electronic password locker
Thermostat Controller
Calculator Program
2-legged Robot (Humanoids)
Exercise robot
Dance movements
4-legged Robot (Imitate a dog)
Although drones are often viewed as either toys or tools, their potential for education simply can’t be understated.
Lessons in drones offer learning opportunities in STEM subjects such as physics, coding, math, and much more. Explore the thrill and excitement in one of technology’s fastest growing industries. All programs include real-life present day and future application.
Build Drones
Simulate Drones
Understand Concept of Pitching, Rolling and Yawing
Propeller Configuration
Coding & Delivery
Search & Rescue
Autonomous Flight
Visual Arts
Fly Drones
Our team is focused on AR and VR in education and the opportunity to deliver immersive learning experiences. New content creation is at an all time high and the latest creation tools give students the ability to create individualized learning experiences. We want to help increase accessibility to this education technology.
Introduction to 3D World
Difference between Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality
Understand Animations in EnablAR Code
(Licensed Software to
build AR/VR)
Introduction to the Game Development Process
Build a Virtual Reality game
Build an Augmented Reality game
The OBotz program offers an immersive journey into the fascinating realms of ML and AI, empowering young minds to unleash their creativity and develop their very own AI projects.
Artificial Intelligence is the training process of making a computer learn. Our students learn to train computers through programming, training processes, and rigorous testing.
Siri and Alexa are examples of AI bot.
Solar mobile charger
Obstacle avoiding robot
Wall following robot
6 Step Procedure for Machine Learning
Understand the 3 Main Categories of AI
Different Algorithms of Machine Learning
Confusion Matrix and Its Accuracy
Understand the Importance of Data in AI
Learn to code using Python for Applications of AI and ML